Hero Banner Background



  • Number of Beds -- 764
  • Number of Specialty Services -- 22
  • Number of Super-Specialty Services -- 15
  • Number of Diagnostic Service Departments -- 4
  • Number of Teaching staff -- 133
  • Number of Medical/Technical staff -- 268
  • Number of Nursing personnel -- 583+
  • Number of Support staff -- 210
  • Number of outsource personnel -- 516
  • Daily Average Out Patients -- 1500
  • Daily Average Inpatient Occupancy -- 71%
  • Other Departments

Other Departments

Focus on pursuing the course of your choice and secure a great education. We bring to you simplified Education loan which aims to finance students who choose to pursue higher education. Now you need not wait for college offer letter to initiate the loan process; all you need to do is submit a document which substantiates the course detail and its cost; which may be generated through college website, self declaration or through consultants’ intimation. This new practice shall enable you to initiate loan process prior to formally obtaining offer letter thereby saving time for loan processing and avoid rush period of seasonal sessions.